Tagged: Duvall

45th District Democrats Call for Eastside Plastic Bag Ban

Resolution Inspired by 5th Grader’s Earth Month Experiment Redmond, Wash.—May 12, 2018—On Wednesday, May 2, the membership of the 45th District Democrats adopted a resolution in support of expanding Kirkland’s plastic bag ban to the Eastside cities of Duvall, Redmond, Sammamish, and Woodinville. Shawn Roland and his 10-year-old son, Jeremiah, presented the resolution. The pair were inspired to take action by an Earth Month challenge at Jeremiah’s school, Horace Mann Elementary. The challenge? Refusing to use single-use plastics for 30 days. The Rolands shared that the challenge was tough, but important. According to the Earth Day Network, each year, 4...

2017 Special Election is Key to Democrats Taking Back the State Senate

45th District Democrats Endorse Manka Dhingra for Senate Redmond, WA: On Wednesday, April 5, the membership of the 45th District Democrats unanimously voted to endorse Democrat Manka Dhingra for their State Senate seat, up for special election this fall. Before calling for a vote, Endorsements Chair Dave Williams informed the crowd “Manka shares Democratic progressive values down the line” and “Since announcing in mid-February, she’s raised about $200,000, virtually all of it through individual donations, and none from corporate or PAC interests.” The meeting room filled with cheers and applause as the final tally to endorse the Senior Deputy Prosecuting...