Ballots are due this Tuesday by 8 p.m.—we need your help to get every last vote we can for Manka and progressives all the way down the ballot! In off-off years like this, especially in the primaries, a handful of votes really can be the difference between candidates who value public schools, aim to address climate change, and support vulnerable communities advancing and candidates who, well, don’t! If you haven’t voted yet, check out our endorsements and helpful links for submitting your ballot. We’ll wait here. All done? Filled out, signed, and turned your ballot in? Great! The next biggest...
45th District Democrats Endorse Manka Dhingra for Senate Redmond, WA: On Wednesday, April 5, the membership of the 45th District Democrats unanimously voted to endorse Democrat Manka Dhingra for their State Senate seat, up for special election this fall. Before calling for a vote, Endorsements Chair Dave Williams informed the crowd “Manka shares Democratic progressive values down the line” and “Since announcing in mid-February, she’s raised about $200,000, virtually all of it through individual donations, and none from corporate or PAC interests.” The meeting room filled with cheers and applause as the final tally to endorse the Senior Deputy Prosecuting...
The Washington State Senate passed a budget late at night this past Thursday, March 23, on a straight party line vote of Republicans that is terrible public policy. The budget writer is our State Senator Dino Rossi. Now is the time to let him know that we are watching and don’t approve. Below is my letter to him. Feel free to use as much of it as you wish. Send it to Ken Albinger Chair 45th Democrats Senator Rossi, I am writing to express my extreme displeasure at the Senate budget you “authored line by line” and passed with...