Legislative Priorities for 2025

Our Legislative Action sub-committee works to inform and call the membership to action in support or opposition of bills and ordinances in the WA State Legislature, county or city councils, school boards, and other local governments within the district.

To see current actions (if any) visit the Legislative Actions page.

The Legislative Agenda approved at the January 15, 2025 General Meeting is below.

Adopted 2025 Legislative Priorities – 45th Democrats                               Jan 15, 2025

We have assembled our legislative priorities early this year.  Both the House and Senate Rules Committees automatically save bills that got to their final step last year in Rules so that they can pre-file again, so the Bill numbers we are showing are from last year.

Address the State’s Budget Deficit by raising revenue with NO Cuts . And without intended use fo CCA funds.

Add Progressive Taxation – Remove Cap on (Employer) Payroll tax, B&O  Surcharge on large corporations, end corporate subsidies, Capital Ownership Tax, Increase Capital Gains Excise Tax.

Fully Fund Public Education in the Operating and Capital Budgets; will include detailed bills as they emerge. OSPI estimates Education is underfunded $4B.  Local School districts underfunded

Allow School Construction Bonds to Pass with Majority Vote. HB 2411 (needs super majority) Or alternative to allow bonding of Levy Passed Funds.

Keep Our Care Act SB 5241 Changes to operations and governance of health care organizations,  to NOT limit women’s reproductive health care, gender affirming care and end of life care.

Rent Stabilization Act HB 2114 Limit yearly rent increases of occupied units to 7%, increase notifications.

WA Universal Single Payer Healthcare –  SB 5204 Creating the Whole WA Health Trust and supporting Health Care for All WA proposals.

Allow Even Year Elections to be chosen by counties and municipalities. HB 1932

Petition Industry Reform of rules that govern petition signature gathering and ballot titles.

Unemployment Insurance for union members who are locked out or on strike longer than 14 days. HB 1813 /1893

Improve the Housing Supply other bills will be added as they emerge.

          Include $500 M in The Housing Trust Fund for low-income housing construction.

         Add Investments to the Capital Budget for the nonprofit Affordable Housing Repair Fund.

         Create meaningful housing solutions for homeless youth.

Sentencing Reform; based on research, implement mid-sentence review for serious crime and reduce incarceration for offenses that pose no harm to others.

Natural Resource Management – preparing for, responding to and recovering from effects of wildfires by proper forest management, including building hardening.

SJM 8002 Urge Congress to level the playing field between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans.

Pass the Re-Wrap Act for better and less wasteful packaging of food and products.

Bills we are going to track to monitor content and  progress:

Greater Biodiversity Funding for WA Fish and Wildlife Department

Reform WA Fish and Wildlife governing committee for greater democratic transparency, justice and compassion. 

This year our committee members so far are:

Ken Albinger, Nick Montgomery, Jennifer Curtis, Kraig Peck, Kellen Hoard, Devon Kellogg. Mike Bresko, Martin Chaney, Becky Chaney, Louise Pathe, Aaron Shrader