Category: Announcements

45th District Democrats of Washington State: General Meeting Agenda

November 6, 2024 General Meeting Agenda

45th District DemocratsGeneral Meeting, November 6, 20247:00–8:40 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM.Attend online via Zoom (registration required) or physically at Redmond Senior and Community Center room 142. Opening Items Presentations a. Please apply for appointment of your unrepresented precinct in the 2025-2026biennium. This will be considered after our reorganization. Announcements News and announcements from our members and affinity groups.

photo by Lincoln Potter

Endorsement Guide: 2024 General Election

the 45th District Democrats have been hard at work interviewing candidates and reviewing ballot measures in time for the General Election. Click the above link to see who we endorsed!

2018 Endorsements Guide group photo.

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