October 2, 2024 General Meeting Agenda – DRAFT
General Meeting next Wednesday, October 2 @ 7pm >> Doors open at 6:30pm. Attend either online via Zoom (Register for Zoom meeting here ) or in person at the Redmond Senior & Community Center, Room 142, 8703 160th Ave NE, Redmond.
Opening Items
- Call to order.
- Land acknowledgement.
- Opening remarks from the chair.
- Given that the term for PCOs ends November 30, PCO appointments will resume in the new term. Please apply for appointment of your unrepresented precinct in the 2025-2026 biennium.
- Remarks from elected officials and endorsed candidates.
- Quorum report.
- Consent agenda [Member vote]
- Approve the previous meeting’s minutes.
- approve tonight’s agenda.
- Defend Washington—No on initiatives I-2109, I-2117, and I-2124.
- No on I-2066.
- Budget amendment for endorsement guide increase. Member vote
- Special election for officers. Term lasts until next reorganization meeting (Dec/Jan)
- KCDCC Executive Board Representative 1 PCO vote
- KCDCC Executive Board Representative 2 PCO vote
- KCDCC Executive Board Alternate 2 PCO vote
- Second Vice Chair PCO vote
- Endorsements. No recommendations from the committee. Member vote
- Chair: Notification of October 28 executive board meeting at 7pm. Link
- Treasurer: Budget and balances
- Communications: Our beautiful endorsement guide
- Fundraising & Membership: Please give!
- PCO Support: Status of existing appointments
- Volunteer: Website updates for organization positions
- News and announcements from our members and affinity groups.