A new 45th Chair, Secretary, and KCYD Alternate will be selected at the May 4 general meeting


Interested in taking a leadership role in the 45th Democrats – or know of someone who would be great? At our next general meeting on May 4, candidates for these three positions will each have 3 minutes to make their case prior to a member vote.


The chair is the executive officer of the the 45th District Democrats. The chair presides at all meetings, appoints all committee chairs and committee members, serves as the district’s spokesperson, and performs all duties customarily carried out by the executive officer of an organization.


The secretary records the minutes of all district meetings, distributes copies of the minutes to the executive board, and performs other duties as directed by the chair. 

King County Young Democrats Representative – Alternate

The Young Democrats representative represents the district at meetings of the King County Young Democrats and reports back to the membership. Candidates must be less than 36 years old. Note that this open position is the alternate, who is seated in the absence of the representative.

Click here for more detailed information on each position. 

Nomination Process

Any resident of the 45th District who considers themselves a Democrat is eligible to be nominated, elected, and serve in any elected officer position. Note the upper age limit for the KCYD position as described above. 

You can either nominate yourself or someone else. In either case, please send a brief statement about the candidate’s background and reason for running via email to 45th First Vice Chair Keith Krumm at firstvicechair@45thdemocrats.org. Each candidate will have 3 minutes to speak to the group at the May 4 general meeting.