How to Qualify For Caucus Voting Credentials

On Saturday, March 26, we will gather to elect delegates and alternates to the Washington State Democratic Convention. The State Convention will be held on June 25.

The Caucus is Open to all Democrats

Come one, come all! If you are a Democrat and you live in the 45th LD, you may attend the caucus. If you so choose, you may run for Delegate.

Only Members of the 45th LD Democrats in good standing** may receive voting credentials.

Voting credentials are required to vote for delegates as well as platforms, resolutions, charter & bylaw amendments.

**In order to be a member in good standing, you must either:
• Have paid your 2022 45th LD membership dues ($25 for individuals, $15 for seniors and students) by Thursday, February 24. Click here to make a payment*, or
• Be a PCO (elected or appointed)

*No one will be turned away. If dues are a hardship, please send email to the treasurer

Unsure which legislative district you are in?

Your assigned LD may have changed as a result of the 2022 redistricting. Click here to access a King County Elections tool that will give you up-to-date information on your legislative district as well as your congressional and King County Council districts.

What if I paid my 2022 LD membership dues and I’m now in a different LD?

All of the Eastside Democratic LD organizations are working to ensure that paid member credentials will be transferred to the most current LD.