Endorsements for 2019

A Note on “Advisory Votes”
According to Permanent Defense:
Conceived by disgraced initiative promoter Tim Eyman, these measures masquerade as legitimate ballot measures when they are in fact a form of push poll, similar to the widely hated malicious telephone attack campaigns classified as a “DIRTY TRICK” by Safire’s Political Dictionary.
We recommend voting “MAINTAIN” on all twelve of these votes:
- Advisory Vote No. 20: Second Substitute House Bill 1087
- Advisory Vote No. 21: Engrossed Third Substitute House Bill 1324
- Advisory Vote No. 22: Substitute House Bill 1652
- Advisory Vote No. 23: Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1873
- Advisory Vote No. 24: Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2158
- Advisory Vote No. 25: Substitute House Bill 2167
- Advisory Vote No. 26: Substitute Senate Bill 5581
- Advisory Vote No. 27: Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5993
- Advisory Vote No. 28: Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5997
- Advisory Vote No. 29: Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5998
- Advisory Vote No. 30: Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6004
- Advisory Vote No. 31: Engrossed Senate Bill 6016
Ballot Measures
- Tim Eyman’s I-976: NO (November ballot)
- Senate Joint Resolution 8200: YES (November ballot)
- Public Hospital District No. #2 (Evergreen Health) Proposition #1: YES (August ballot)
- King County Proposition #1 (Parks For All): YES (August ballot)
Elected Positions
Port of Seattle Commission
- Position #2: Grant Degginger
- Position #5: Fred Felleman
City of Redmond
- Mayor: Angela Birney
- City Council, Position #1: Varisha Khan
- City Council, Position #3: Jessica Forsythe
- City Council, Position #5: Vanessa Kritzer
- City Council, Position #7: Carlos Jimenez
City of Kirkland
- City Council, Position #2: Kelli Curtis
- City Council, Position #5: Neal Black
- City Council, Position #6: Amy Falcone
City of Sammamish
- City Council, Position #2: Karen McKnight
- City Council, Position #4: Karen Howe
- City Council, Position #6: Rituja Indapure
City of Woodinville
- City Council, Position #6: Nicolas Duchastel de Montrouge
- City Council, Position #7: Paul Hagen
Lake Washington School District, #414
- Director, District #5: Siri Bliesner