2019 Membership Drive

Photo credit: Lincoln Potter

It’s December and that means it’s time for our annual membership drive! 

There are a boatload of good reasons to be a member of the 45th District Democrats, whether you’re joining for the first time or renewing your membership. Here are just a few:

  • Voting Credentials
    Members of the 45th get to vote on endorsing (or not!) candidates and ballot measures; passing (or not!) resolutions; electing executive board positions like Treasurer and Secretary; and adopting and amending our budget. Endorsement votes especially can be close, so your vote can determine your preferred candidate’s name appears in our endorsement guides, which are distributed to thousands of households each year.
  • Dues Make a Difference
    Printing thousands of endorsement guides for distribution each year isn’t cheap. We’ve printed and distributed almost 75,000 guides in the last two years alone! Most of your dues go toward these kinds of voter outreach expenses, from printing and phonebanking costs to parade entry fees to effective digital tools like social media ads and P2P texting. And that outreach works! 80% of our endorsed candidates and campaigns won in 2018. Your dues also literally keep the lights on by paying for our monthly meeting room rental fees. We’re a volunteer-run organization and we count on dues and contributions from engaged citizens like you.
  • Stay in the Know
    Members get exclusive access
    to email bulletins with local political news, action items, meeting minutes, and more. We do our best to keep you informed without overwhelming your inbox. Members are also welcome to sit in on our Executive Board meetings—no smoke-filled back rooms here. We value transparency.
  • Join a Community
    Becoming actively involved in the 45th is a great way to meet people, network with other activists, and make new friends. Join us to work on the issues that matter most to you, side by side with people who share your values.

Our memberships are affordable, too. It’s just $25 for an individual membership or $15 for seniors, students, or those with reduced income.* Our board is strongly considering restructuring dues in the next year, so sign up now to lock in your membership at the current rate!

Ready to join or renew? Here’s how:


*You can also become a member by becoming a PCO. Precinct Committee Officerss are full voting members and are not required to pay membership dues (although if you can, we would love to have your support!)

If you’d like to become a member and are unable to pay dues or become a PCO, contact our Membership Chair for information on our hardship program. 

Voting membership is restricted to district residents who are at least sixteen years of age. If you are outside of our district and would like to contribute, you can do so here.