Two opportunities to support Move King County Now (Proposition 1)
Friends, as you may recall from our last meeting, there is a critical transportation measure on the upcoming April 22nd special election ballot. A coalition of progressive organizations is working together on the Move King County Now campaign to pass Proposition 1. The 45th has also officially endorsed this transportation package.
Due to funding shortfalls, King County Metro is facing devastating cuts to bus service — 74 routes would be eliminated and another 100+ would be reduced. These cuts will harm students, seniors, workers, and families across the Eastside who rely on the bus system. Losing these routes will also put an extra 20,000 to 30,000 more cars on the road each day, adding to congestion on our already crowded streets and freeways.
Last month, the King County Council voted unanimously to send Proposition 1 to the ballot. The package would address Metro’s shortfall through a $60 license fee (increased from $20 currently) and a 0.1% sales tax increase, with 60% of the funds going to Metro and 40% divided between cities and the county for road and bridge repair. There are measures in the package to allow for reduced fees and fares for low-income citizens.
There are two great events coming up on the Eastside that you can go to which will help you talk with your friends and neighbors about this crucial vote. These are informational/social evenings where you can ask questions and get all the details you’ll need to talk with voters in your neighborhood. Contact Sandra VanderVen at Fuse with any questions or to learn more.
Beers for Buses – Bellevue
Monday, March 24, from 5pm–7pm
Bellevue Brewing Company
1820 130th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98005
Beers for Buses – Redmond
Monday, April 7th
Redmond’s Bar & Grill.
7979 Leary Way NE, Redmond WA, 98052
Please feel free to share this information with your own contacts. Let’s get ready to reach out to our neighbors and make sure we save our buses!